Motivational Poster
Ponder over the meaning of this saying
Teach Him How To Fish & You Feed Him For A Lifetime”.
Therefore learn and learn to teach and know that when you teach, you are doing a lot more then just teaching him.
Discover an alternative source of income!
Business Tips for Successful Startups
Keep in touch!
Conveying your message
Sometimes, sales or closings happens not because of the business system or product you explain. It may be because of how you present your information or how you appear during the table talk. Make sure that these sessions are kept lively and engaging and do not turn it into another science project presentation. Monitor your prospects and look out for any signs of boredom. Is he still interested in your presentation.
Some tips on how to achieve this is by following the VAK method.
V - Visual
A - Audio
K - Kinetic
Visual here refers to both your appearance and your presentation tools. Dress properly and make sure that your appearance does not distract him but instead increase their respect and first impression of you. First impressions last and usually it's the first impression of you that stays in the prospect's mind for some time. Your presentation have to be visually appealling. There must not be too much words. Graphical representations of the business is better then reading out a huge paragraph of words. Colorful images and graphic helps prospects understand the message better then rows upon rows of words, written or spoken.
Audio mostly refers to your usage of volumes and tones during the discussion. Use different volumes and tones to emphasize on certain things more then others. If you wish to convey something amazing such as the face-lifting effects of Lumiglow, use a higher enthusiatic voice as you show the dramatic difference of the before and after photos of testimony.
Kinetic refers to your gestures and hand movements that helps convey the message across to your prospects. Also beware of unwanted gestures such as shaking your legs or clicking on your pen continuously. This may show a lack of confidence on your part or it may simply distract your prospect defusing his attention in the discussion.
Along with those guidelines, do keep the discussions and table talks engaging and maintain interactivity between you and the prospect.
Break the ICE, Create Rapport with your Prospect
During a table talk, it is best to "Break the ICE" before you share about the business. This is important so that the prospect is comfortable to share any problems or ask any questions freely without feeling belittled or overwhelmed by your presence. This step may also help you gauge if your prospect is the arrogant type or the type of person who thinks that he knows everything. Get comfortable with the prospect and let the prospect feel comfortable about sitting there with you. Create conversation and also praise or 'T' -up your prospects. Follow the FORM set of questions as a guideline to help you build rapport with the prospect. Ask questions or share experiences about matters relating to the following :
F - Family
O - Occupation
R - Recreation
M - Money
It is also best that the topics discussed supports and leads to the business that you are going to share.
The Real Limitation
Grand EOM - 26 June 2011
A heartwarming response from the audience who attended the event. Uptrenders and new prospects alike feel the grand atmosphere created on that day. We received valuable information during the Goldpower Session from MEC Nizam and we enjoyed an excellent Grand EOM session given by MEC Nizam himself. I believe the audience was enticed by the preview about the business given and there are surely new business partners born on that day. Thank you MEC Nizam for coming down all the way from Malaysia and sharing with us your experiences in this business. We appreciate it!
Following the event, audiences are entertained with a line up of booths featuring best selling products that are of high quality sold at affordable prices. And of course, photo taking sessions with MEC Nizam himself! I'm sure all of us enjoyed that day!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended the event and we are looking forward to seeing you again at future activities such as this.
Have a great day!