Motivational Poster
Happy 2012!!
Opportunity - Quotes
-Nila Koeneke
Never let go of an opportunity or something that is of tremendous value that can bring great happiness to your life. Treasure all that you love.
Love and life require taking a risk! Take it, and you’ll realize it’s not a risk at all but opportunity for your greatness.
Opportunities multiply as they are seized
Success depends on the courage to act, and courage in turn requires a level of faith that every opportunity acted upon will lead to more and better ways to serve, learn, grow and prosper.
Do, or do not. There is no “try”
-Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)
Life requires action, boldness and decisiveness. Mae West also observed, “He who hesitates is a damned fool."
Uptrend MPPT on 15th Oct 2011
Bagaimana hendak menganjurkan"HOME PARTY" dengan berkesan?
Bagaimana hendak menganjurkan"HOME PARTY" dengan berkesan?
Buat persiapan awal untuk perkara2 berikut:
- Tn. Rumah-Utk memberi sepatah-dua kata pada acara pembukaan
- Pengacara Majlis (Master-Of-Ceremony)
- Product Speaker
- Product Testimony Speaker
- Marketing Plan Speaker
- Mahjong Paper (Warna Putih Utk Mktg Plan)
- BlueTac/ Double-sided Tape
- Permanent Markers (Warna Merah, Hitam & Biru)
- Biocera Jug x 01 Unit
- Tester Kit Utk Biocera (PH Tester, Iodine,6 Biji Gelas Kaca,Straws & Tuala Kecil)
- Air Minuman 100Plus atau H2O (Utk Demo Biocera)
- Air Mineral Dlm Botol (500ml)
- ClensUp x 01 Kotak
- Minyak Masak (Utk Demo ClensUp)
- Kamera x 01 Unit (Utk War2kan di FB)
- Video (Jika Ada)-Utk Youtube & FB
- Ball Point Pen (Hitam atau Biru Yg Berjenama eg. Parker) x 01 pcs
- Borang Pendaftaran Ahli ( Membership Registration Forms)
- Receipt Book (Cash Sales Receipt)
- Laptop (Komputer Riba) atau iPad.
- Mobile Broadband (Utk Internet)
- Utk memperkenalkan diri serta para Penceramah pada hari tersebut.
- Mengucapkan terimakasih kpd Tuan Rumah krn sudi mengadakan Majlis ini.
- Membuat pengumuman yg sewajarnya.
- Tee-Up Speaker dgn penuh tenaga pada hari itu
- Memberi Info tentang Profil Syarikat
- Mengendalikan Cabutan Bertuah (Jika Ada)
- Mewar-warkan Program yg akan dtg
- Acara Penutup
- Menerangkan tentang kebaikan produk tersebut
- Jelaskan ramuan2 atau bahan2 yg ada di dlm Produk tersebut.
- Menendalikan Produk Demo (Eg. Biocera, Lumiglow, ClensUp & sbgnya)
- Ilmu tentang Produk tersebut mesti lengkap utk memberi info yg padat.
- Menceritakan dgn penuh tenaga penyakit yg dialami seblm menggunakan Produk Uptrend2u. Contohnya, Gout.
- Menceritakan kesan setelah menggunakan Produk Uptrend2u.
- Kongsikan mengenai tindak balas yg berlaku semasa menggunakan Produk Uptrend2u
- Terangkan jangka masa yg diambil utk menampakkan keberkesanan Produk Uptrend2u
- Nyatakan hanya pada kebagusan Produk tersebut
- Tunjukkan gambar seblm & sesudah memakan Produk Uptrend2u atau Video
- Terangkan dgn jelas apa itu SUPER HYBRID SYSTEM
- Terangkan apa itu Plan A?
- Terangkan apa itu Plan B?
- Bentangkan Produk2 Pakej yg Ada
- Perbezaan Di Antara Pakej Bronze & Pakej Platinum
- Perbezaan Di Antara GBC & RGBC
- Faedah2 yg dpt dirai sbg Ahli Uptrend2u
Perkara2 Yg Perlu Dilakukan Sebagai Tuan Rumah
- Menjemput semua ahli keluarga
- Menjemput rakan2 & taulan
- Menjemput saudara-mara
- Menjemput jiran tetangga
Kerja jemput-menjemput hdklah dilakukan sekurang2nya 2 Minggu lebih awal seblm Majlis "Home Party" itu diadakan.
Cara menjemput blhlah menggunakan
- Mulut
- Kad
- Tagged
- Netlog
- MSN & sbgnya
Yg Penting Kita Dah Jemput, sama-ada dtg atau x dtg kita serahkan pada ALLAH yg Maha MengetahuiNya. Kita sudah jlnkan tugas kita, biar ALLAH pula jlnkan tugasNya.
Pihak MC menjemput Tuan Rumah utk mencabut Cabutan Bertuah (Jika Ada).Ini sekadar merancakkan lagi suasana pada Majlis tersebut.
Bgmn cara pembayarannya?
* CASH ONLY ( Wang Tunai Sahaja)
Minta Deposit 50% jika tdk mencukupi utk bayaran penuh kpd Produk Pakej
Sebaiknya kita sediakan mesin khas utk membayar dgn Kad Kredit. (Perlu dibeli jika tdk ada dari HQ)
Sediakan Drawing Block serta Pensil Warna Utk Kanak2
Sediakan permainan Jig-Zaw Puzzles
Itu sahaja yg dpt dikongsikan utk KEJAYAAN bersama!!!!
Sama2 kita berjuang demi KEJAYAAN ummah!!!
'Syiok Raya' bersama Uptrend 2/10/11
Inspirational Quotes
Arthur Ashe
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.”
William Arthur Ward
"Strong, deeply rooted desire is the starting point of all achievement."
Napoleon Hill
“A man with no imagination has no wings.”
Muhammad Ali
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
Today it is not about how much you earn, But it is about how much you can save and manage.
Leadership. Quotes to note.
A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not. ~Author Unknown
Remember the difference between a boss and a leader; a boss says "Go!" - a leader says "Let's go!" ~E.M. Kelly
You can't lead anyone else further than you have gone yourself. ~Gene Mauch
You don't have to hold a position in order to be a leader. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book
Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and no concept of the odds against them. ~Robert Jarvik
Ponder over the meaning of this saying
Teach Him How To Fish & You Feed Him For A Lifetime”.
Therefore learn and learn to teach and know that when you teach, you are doing a lot more then just teaching him.
Discover an alternative source of income!
Business Tips for Successful Startups
Keep in touch!
Conveying your message
Sometimes, sales or closings happens not because of the business system or product you explain. It may be because of how you present your information or how you appear during the table talk. Make sure that these sessions are kept lively and engaging and do not turn it into another science project presentation. Monitor your prospects and look out for any signs of boredom. Is he still interested in your presentation.
Some tips on how to achieve this is by following the VAK method.
V - Visual
A - Audio
K - Kinetic
Visual here refers to both your appearance and your presentation tools. Dress properly and make sure that your appearance does not distract him but instead increase their respect and first impression of you. First impressions last and usually it's the first impression of you that stays in the prospect's mind for some time. Your presentation have to be visually appealling. There must not be too much words. Graphical representations of the business is better then reading out a huge paragraph of words. Colorful images and graphic helps prospects understand the message better then rows upon rows of words, written or spoken.
Audio mostly refers to your usage of volumes and tones during the discussion. Use different volumes and tones to emphasize on certain things more then others. If you wish to convey something amazing such as the face-lifting effects of Lumiglow, use a higher enthusiatic voice as you show the dramatic difference of the before and after photos of testimony.
Kinetic refers to your gestures and hand movements that helps convey the message across to your prospects. Also beware of unwanted gestures such as shaking your legs or clicking on your pen continuously. This may show a lack of confidence on your part or it may simply distract your prospect defusing his attention in the discussion.
Along with those guidelines, do keep the discussions and table talks engaging and maintain interactivity between you and the prospect.
Break the ICE, Create Rapport with your Prospect
During a table talk, it is best to "Break the ICE" before you share about the business. This is important so that the prospect is comfortable to share any problems or ask any questions freely without feeling belittled or overwhelmed by your presence. This step may also help you gauge if your prospect is the arrogant type or the type of person who thinks that he knows everything. Get comfortable with the prospect and let the prospect feel comfortable about sitting there with you. Create conversation and also praise or 'T' -up your prospects. Follow the FORM set of questions as a guideline to help you build rapport with the prospect. Ask questions or share experiences about matters relating to the following :
F - Family
O - Occupation
R - Recreation
M - Money
It is also best that the topics discussed supports and leads to the business that you are going to share.
The Real Limitation
Grand EOM - 26 June 2011
A heartwarming response from the audience who attended the event. Uptrenders and new prospects alike feel the grand atmosphere created on that day. We received valuable information during the Goldpower Session from MEC Nizam and we enjoyed an excellent Grand EOM session given by MEC Nizam himself. I believe the audience was enticed by the preview about the business given and there are surely new business partners born on that day. Thank you MEC Nizam for coming down all the way from Malaysia and sharing with us your experiences in this business. We appreciate it!
Following the event, audiences are entertained with a line up of booths featuring best selling products that are of high quality sold at affordable prices. And of course, photo taking sessions with MEC Nizam himself! I'm sure all of us enjoyed that day!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended the event and we are looking forward to seeing you again at future activities such as this.
Have a great day!
What to talk about during table talk.
After successfully acquiring a potential customer/business partner during the prospecting stage. We invite him or her to a table talk. This is the stage where
- we find out about the prospect's needs and desires
- we share our business
Find out the prospect's need and desires
Before sharing anything about the business, we should learn more about our prospect. Why? So that we know his goals and desire in life and we can configure a way for our business to meet and suit the prospects need and goals. This stage is also known as the qualifying stage where understanding the prospect can actually benefit you as you can find out the best for him and make sure that this business can work for him.
Ask about what does he desire, his goals, dreams. Then, ask why he wants it, What if he does not get it? Who does this dream affect? How does it affect them? Why are they a part of this dream? What must he do to get it? When did he plan to start getting it and where does he plan to begin? Ask your prospect why is he or she here to meet you?
Share our Business
- Topics you need to cover are:
- Company Profile
- Briefly Awards and Media Releases
- Briefly about Products (Detailed info in product talk)
- Business Concept , Hybrid System
- Plan A
- Plan B
- Testimonials
For some prospects, it's not necessary to explain all the topics. Based on what you found out about the prospects needs and desires, use these topics to help you show the prospect how he can earn in this business.
Quote from :
A quiet joy
Promotions and Prospecting
In our business, you must understand the flow of how the business goes. First of all is promotion and prospecting. This is the single most important first step in all businesses and sales out there. Before a company or an individual gains profits through sales, they must do promotions. This is to attract the attention of people to what you are offering to them; therefore attract potential customers. This step is only to ensure that they are aware of the existence of your product. There are two main ways that you can do to achieve more promotions and prospecting. They are :
- Flyers
- Mass Media
Flyers is one of the easiest way to get to the masses. However, you have to take note that several factors affects the effectiveness of a flyer. They are:
- Text - the message that you put in the flyers.
- Powerful words - you need words that captures attention and ignites prospect's intentions to respond to the flyer.
- Visuals - black & white flyers often receives lesser responses
- Venue of distribution - where there is crowd, there is your pool of potential prospects.
- Response Level - Based on Law of Average, means the ratio of flyers given and responses received, reflects how much flyers you need to give.
Mass Media means to promote through the following mediums:
- Newpapers - price range from $30 to several hundreds
- Radio - Channel Ria - $800, Warna - $1600, not including production
- TV - several thousands
- Magazines - Manja Magazine - $8000
- Internet - from ad supported free services to several hundreds, social websites - free
Mass media is often reaps lots of response but it also depend on and message you put in the promotion and how it is conveyed.
Remember that in our business, once there is response, there must be appointments for table talk sessions. Hopefully, a closing can be achieved and income will be generated. Also never forget to give follow up service to the new business partner or customer.
Successful Home Party
A home party is an activity where the main purpose is to present and relay information about a certain number of products. Home parties can also be a group effort at creating not only sales but also sign up new business partners. It is also important the home parties be well planned or it can be a great disaster and a waste of precious resources. A Home Party activity can be divided into several segments. They are:
- Manpower
- Items Checklist
- MC's Task
- Product Presentation
- Testimony Presentation
- Marketing Plan Presentation
- Responsibilities of the Host
- Closing Segment
Below is a list of important people integral to make a successful home party activity.
- Master of Ceremony (MC)
- Products Speaker
- Testimony Speaker
- Marketing Plan Speaker
- Host
Here are items required for a typical home party.
- General Presentation Tools
- Mahjong Paper or any paper eqivalent or larger then A1 size.
- Blue Tac
- Marker Pen
- Ball Point Pen
- Receipt Book
- Small Table (For Demo Items)
- Laptop
- Internet Stick
- Camera with Video recording
- Membership Registration Form
- Consignment (For sales on site in bigger volumes)
- Products Demo Items
- Biocera Jug
- Biocera Test Kit
- Tap Water
- RO Water
- 100 Plus or H2O canned drinks
- Airport Kettle
- Small Plastic Cups
- Lumiglow
- ClensUp
- Cooking Oil
MC's Task
- Intro Self
- Thank Host
- Thank Audience
- Announce to silent Handphones
- T-Up Speaker
- Brief History of Company Profile
- Lucky Draw (If applicable)
- Closing Speech
Product Speaker
- Explain features of Products
- Explain benefits of Products
- Do a Demo
- Get photos or videos (done by assistant)
Testimony Speaker
- Before using product
- After using product
- Emphasize on benefits
Marketing Plan Speaker
Marketing Plan is usually explained but in some cases may not be done based on the objective of that particular home party.
- Hybrid Plan
- Plan A
- Plan B
- Difference between RGBC and GBC
- Benefits of being a member
Responsibilities of the Host
- Invite family, relatives, neighbours, friends and potential prospects 1 month in advance.
- Follow up on RSVP at least 1 week to remind attendees of actual event.
- Prepare food and beverage moderately.
- Organise, set up and promote Lucky Draw (optional)
- Make clear to attendees that no children are allowed.
- Q & A session
- Host to address thanks to speaker and audience for making this activity a success.
- Inform audience or set with team members of next Home Party
Outcome / Results / Evaluation
Sales of products or new business partners sign ups can be attained. Access and evaluate the response, outcome and success of the home party. Take note to improve next Home Party.
Get your own Sheaffer Pen!
Get your business going and go get that pen!
form and submit to Encik Ali.
Grand EOM
Two events running on that day.
GOLD Power Talk by Mec Nizam
Exclusively for Uptrenders
Time : 2pm - 3pm
Topic : How he handle the Setbacks & Downfall and the loss of his network that worth hundreds of thousands of dollars TWICE in this business and he is still loyal to Uptrend2u.
Grand Entrepreneurship Opportunity Meetup (Grand EOM)
Time : 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Venue : Village Landmark Hotel
A powerful talk by MEC Nizam of why he is in Uptrend2u even though he has high education and had a solid high post job.
Admission is FREE!
BTW members are very much encouraged to attend this vibrant event. Bring along family, friends, business partners and your prospects along to this much awaited gathering.
We would also like our group members to be in your best formal attire having a white shirt and black pants as well as a coat/jacket. We would also like to show the enthusiasm of our team by having all of our members fill up the front most rows of the hall on that day. This is going to be a blast!
See you all there!
Uptrender Zahid
New Uptrend2U Singapore Committee
There was a meeting on 1 June 2011, Wed, at Woodlands Center and Singapore's new Uptrend2u Committee has been chosen. Wishing good luck and may this initiative spark for new progress in Singapore Uptrenders progress.
It was also decided that future EOMs for all of Singapore Uptrenders with effect immediately will be held only on Mondays(English) at Biocera Center at Joo Chiat and Wednesdays(Malay) at Woodlands. Product talks will be held on Thursdays at Woodlands.
It is a must for all Uptrenders to attend the EOMs and Product talks as mentioned above so that we can refresh our minds, spirits and dedication towards Uptrend and also so that we can reignite the ties between us.
Please take note of the following events for this month. The will be a Lumiglow talk this month, date/time note fixed yet. 26 June - Mr Gary Gan will have a gold power session with us in Singapore. and on the 25 June - we will be having a cohesion event and it's going be a bowling game. Watch out for further details.
A gentle reminder. In this business, we don't only have to show facts and statistics to prospects when we do table talk, we have to be sincere and convey the reality of working life and earning income and the benefits of this business as well as what they stand to lose or gain should they join or neglect our opportunity. Remind them of their family, financial burdens and their future with family and friends.
And also remember that in this business, there MUST be CONSTANT promotions because without promotion one fact is clear, no prospects and that means not even a chance to achieve potential income. So name your target and make haste with your actions.
Sincerely and with thanks,
Uptrender Zahid